Friday, June 17, 2011

The Government can now shut down your internet

The security authorities and law enforcement agencies are now planning to get capabilities to shut down Internet all over the country. This is being termed as a move to improve security. And it can be used as an option during emergencies.

There were a bunch of meetings held at the Prime Minister’s Office on cyber security. Instructions from the PM department had instructed all the Government departments to work together over this. The Center wants more control over the internet services in India.

According to the announcements made in the press regarding such activities, the Government mentioned that these were security measures. It has been claimed that this will help the Government in defending cyber attacks on Indian Infrastructure and also securing the communication networks in India.

Internet is now used to control and manage a lot of stuff in India. And there are a bunch of reasons which could have triggered these activities. The various attacks by Pakistani hackers on Indian websites is a reason. Also with the internet being the reason for many countries watching their Government fall, the authorities need to have more control over the internet.

The Government especially after social media phenomena’s like Hazare and Ramdev needs more control over the media. There are been so many journalists who if they cannot publish or put up their sensitive stories on major media platforms turn to online platforms.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Government can now shut down your internet

The security authorities and law enforcement agencies are now planning to get capabilities to shut down Internet all over the country. This is being termed as a move to improve security. And it can be used as an option during emergencies.

There were a bunch of meetings held at the Prime Minister’s Office on cyber security. Instructions from the PM department had instructed all the Government departments to work together over this. The Center wants more control over the internet services in India.

According to the announcements made in the press regarding such activities, the Government mentioned that these were security measures. It has been claimed that this will help the Government in defending cyber attacks on Indian Infrastructure and also securing the communication networks in India.

Internet is now used to control and manage a lot of stuff in India. And there are a bunch of reasons which could have triggered these activities. The various attacks by Pakistani hackers on Indian websites is a reason. Also with the internet being the reason for many countries watching their Government fall, the authorities need to have more control over the internet.

The Government especially after social media phenomena’s like Hazare and Ramdev needs more control over the media. There are been so many journalists who if they cannot publish or put up their sensitive stories on major media platforms turn to online platforms.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Khargar Incident

Jaishree Menon, a simple writer/blogger and publisher of The Kharghar Navi Mumbai Times. She tweeted the below mentioned tweet

This tweet was made on 31st May, 2011. And it was retweeted and blogged extensively. We still are not exactly sure about the details of this case but it was amazing with the speed at which events unfolded. The public responded with retweets and the media responded. And with the media in the fray, the police had to respond and we are all hoping that her problem is solved. That her husband is put behind bars and their daughter gets justice and the help she needs.

Twitter has recently become a huge part of the coming revolution among Indian youth. It has become indispensable with the Anna Hazare movement and now the Ramdev fast getting a lot of popularity due to twitter.

Khargar is trending in India while I am writing this. It makes you feel proud sometimes that granted we have a cattle way of thinking and reacting to our surroundings, people make things happen. The same can be said about the latest people movements in the nation. Tweets were the cause of some politicians eating their ignorant comments and face the public ire. Twitter has helped the public understand their politicians and leaders and other becoming leaders.

Let’s see what happens now. Its really our choice whether we should sit back and be mere onlookers or participate and contribute to this change in the small ways we can.