Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weirdness of Wikileaks

The biggest story in the media today is Wikileaks. The US embassy cables that have been leaked and now are being published in there tens of thousands have created shockwaves around the world. Not only the closely guarded of the US but also various other countries are out there for all to see.

We will not concentrate on the analysis and nitpicking the various cables. It is already being done by every one anyways. Rather lets see weirdness of this whole situation which has developed into a global event.

Hackers are now openly attacking major websites. Wikileaks was attacked by hackers. The US Govt called them patriots and thus they will be facing no prosecution. Now hackers from around the world have joined hands under “Operation Payback”. They will organize and conduct attacks on the companies that deserted Wikileaks. Post Finance, Amazon, Paypal among a few others will be affected.

The face of the website Wikileaks, Jullian Assange has not exactly broken any laws. There are imminent members of the US congress who want to the Swede assassinated. Others want him termed as a terrorist. Others have advised to make more laws specifically for him and arrest him. His legal defence fund has been frozen. He is being slowly surrounded from all sounds, by the most powerful institutions in the world.

Jullian Assange is no meek, scared little mouse either. He has announced that if he is killed or arrested he promises to let some of plans in motion. With the currently released cables, having caused so many furors among the world leaders, he has promised that there is plenty from where all this came from. He has mentioned that if he is harmed if he will activate a poison pill. This pill will expose the most sensationalist and potentially disastrous information, so far hidden, online.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. We can pretty much see the same happening here. He is an Australian citizen. Thus the US cannot extradite him and try him for treason. Sweden needs to present a lot of paperwork before they can try Mr Jullian for the “surprise/unprotected sex” case against him. Australia although has condemned the releases, but has made it clear that they will provide consular help. Thus he could very well just return home.

Others are more interested in the cables yet to be released which contain information on UFO sightings. In an interview with The Guardian Jullian Assange mentioned that there were references to UFO’s in the yet to be released cables.

There are universities in the US that have banned the website. Soldiers posted in Iraq get redirected when to try to access Wikileaks. The page to which they are redirected says that they are on the verge of breaking the law.

And finally there are others who have their doubts over Wikleaks being a credible source of such information. Iran has mentioned that they think, the US has voluntarily leaked this information. Other prominent people of power have said that Wikileaks is under the purview of the CIA.

Whatever the case might be, there are certain things to learn here. One should not mess with the system. The system is very powerful and will fight back. If it cannot, it will change the rules of the game and then after you. Freedom of press and freedom of speech are illusions. They are allowed as long as they do not annoy the powerful governing institutions of nations and the people who govern them.